Simplify The Law of Attraction
Vision Board Workshop
Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do or have in our lives. But they remain just that: fleeting. After all who has taken the time to become intentionally clear about what we want to create and actually take the steps towards creating it? You may have seen The Secret, or been reading about The Law of Attraction (LOA), but still haven’t taken the steps to create new habits to enable you to attract your desires. Maybe you feel overwhelmed by all the information and different teachings.
That’s where I come in, My Law of Attraction Project Planner was created to simplify The Law of Attraction for you. I share several of the tools in my book at each workshop. Attend with a positive attitude and this workshop will change your life. I’m a Guided Imagery Specialist, Law of Attraction Coach, and Emotional Freedom Technique Expert, as well as an Amazon Best Seller. For the past 18 years, I have been empowering people with Law of Attraction tools to live more joyously.
A Vision Board is one of my favorite tools to intentionally get into a good feeling place, making the creator a perfect match to the joy they desire. Everyone from Katy Perry to Ellen DeGeneres to Oprah Winfrey swears that they deliberately created outcomes by using a simple tool: Vision Boards. A Vision Board is a way to line up your energy and sell your own ideas to yourself, anchor to your dreams, and allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life! I am passionate about Vision Boards, I make one every year, frame it, and hang it in my office.

I have manifested some amazing results, which I will share with you in my workshop. I also create vision boards during the year with a specific focus to help me attain goals with greater ease. I’m leading these workshops to empower you to intentionally define your dreams and create your Vision Board that will enable you to effortlessly attract ideal opportunities and outcomes. My intention is to provide group Law of Attraction Coaching and specifically focused Create Your Life Vision Board workshops throughout the year. I will provide all supplies needed to create your vision board and empower you with LOA tools to use daily.
These workshops are available for individuals or groups, in person or online. All materials are provided, 10 magazines per person, a copy of My Law of Attraction Project Planner, scissors, glue sticks, inspirational stickers, poster boards.
I am willing to come to you for group workshops, discounts are provided with a minimum of 10 attendees.