I am so grateful for a relaxing and fun weekend with Cat, waking up healthy to a nice day here in Texas, my hot chocolate hazelnut tea, calculators, gel pens, paper, journals, understanding the Law of Attraction, my scale that keeps confirming I really am at my ideal weight, the view from my desk – beautiful homes, people walking their dogs by, squirrels and most of all trees!
Even my dog Vicky seems to enjoy the view! Which brings me to a good point – enjoying our pets can bring us to a place of joy, just as a gratitude list does. The important thing is to do something that makes you feel better so you are a match to the things you desire that also would feel good to you. That’s what this is all about, becoming a match to what you desire, so you can easily attract that or something better to enjoy. I encourage you to take the time to enjoy your pets or take the time to write your gratitude list. Do something just to allow yourself to be “in joy”.