I am so grateful to have a new fresh day tomorrow, for my friend June in CT, my daughter Chelsea and grandsons Tymon and Jeramiah in Ct, my other daughter Monica and grandsons Aaron and Ryan here in Texas, my husband, my many grateful clients that appreciate my skills and the passion I have for working with them, my ability to appreciate the contrasts I show myself, my dogs and their truly unconditional love.
In case you are not familiar with appreciating the contrasts I will explain it here. When you experience something you don’t like, you can appreciate the contrast it showed you because it allowed you to gain greater clarity regarding what you would like to experience. Appreciating the contrasts is a wonderful tool to use to help you reach for a better feeling thought, which allows you to feel better and be more of a match to the things you desire in your life. Sometimes appreciating the contrasts can be challenging as it was for me today. Just because I am a Law of Attraction coach it doesn’t mean I am perfect. It also doesn’t mean that I am always using the tools as quickly as I would like to. I am on a journey just like everyone else. I am getting better and better every day, and often when we are going through challenges in our lives when it is something that is happening to us- we can’t see the forest for the trees. It is helpful to have someone that can be objective and help us out through those times, and as a coach that is one of my strengths. Today I appreciate the contrasts I showed myself and I choose to own my power to be happy regardless of what others say or do. I also appreciate my friend, who knows these tools as well as I do and her assistance when I couldn’t see the forest for the trees!