by pamrobinson | Feb 11, 2012 | Success Tools
I am so grateful for it being so warm and comfortable in our home, having a stove to boil water for my delicious hot vanilla chai tea, vanilla chai tea bags, half and half, my daughters being such good Mom’s, marrying a man I would be proud to call my son :),...
by pamrobinson | Feb 9, 2012 | Success Tools
I am grateful for Aaron feeling better today, Tymon being able to rest at home so he can feel better, my client’s enthusiasm for being successful, the client appointments I have today, the referral I received today, the opportunity to work with Rachel, having...
by pamrobinson | Feb 6, 2012 | Gratitude List, Success Tools
I am so grateful for hot tea this morning, the blankets on our bed, socks, warm clothes, celebrating Cat’s birthday this past weekend, our printer, magazine pictures and words, plain paper, colored paper, lined paper, rubber cement, glue, tape, pencils, pens...
by pamrobinson | Jan 16, 2012 | Success Tools
I am so grateful for a relaxing and fun weekend with Cat, waking up healthy to a nice day here in Texas, my hot chocolate hazelnut tea, calculators, gel pens, paper, journals, understanding the Law of Attraction, my scale that keeps confirming I really am at my ideal...
by pamrobinson | Jan 12, 2012 | Gratitude List, Success Tools
I am so grateful for seeing my friend Tom Pollard this morning, organizing my closet last nite- it looks great, the free coffee Diana Sheffield Richards is sending me, having Goodwill to donate things to, seeing Cat’s face this morning, the TNT meeting I just...